sometimes i feel like i have two polar opposite modes. in the spring, summer and fall i tend to be a whirling dervish. my mind is happily dreaming up projects, making plans and determined to get it ALL done. winter is a totally different story when i'm much more content to read, do a little crocheting and watch dvd movies. i've learned to accept all this about myself and be content in either mode. well, mostly.
a few months ago i was feeling restless and unhappy with myself. so many of the things i yearned to do when i wanted out of my unhappy marriage were still on my bucket list. i saw many others spreading their wings to fly. they were brave; i was scared. they were bold; i was meek. they were accomplishing things; i was just down right lazy. guh! it did not feel good. at all.
so, i reminded myself that if i lived to be 85, i only had 23 more years to accomplish everything i wanted to do. only 23 more years to be who i wanted to be. it was a refreshing wake-up call.
since then i've set up an art studio in an extra room in my house. it has made a huge difference in my ability and desire to be creative. i've hosted one studio open house and have set a schedule for one per month through december. two online art classes are under my belt; each one helped me to be more open and free with my art. i've sold a couple dozen original pieces of art and have 4 commission pieces lined up. saturday i'll be hanging a few small pieces at a hair salon with the goal of getting some extra attention for my art. and, i'm putting it out there that i'd be happy to host art classes in my studio. i have 5 ladies signed up for the first one and i've picked up a private student as well.
one area of my life that i really want to build on is giving back to the community. i reached out to our local elementary school and am in the process of getting a community service project up and running. more on that to come.
when the little voice in my head whispers "you are taking on too, too much" i gently ask that she believe in me. yes, i will get burned out and when that happens i'll simply take a break. but, for now i'm enjoying this very positive energy.
what are you doing these days?!