Saturday, July 11, 2009

let me be a dandelion

i've been thinking about how our lives are like a dandelion. despite incredible odds and hardships we are able to push ourselves up and stand strong. although battered by the winds of change and harsh times, our roots are strong, allowing us to persevere. we know to gather in a supportive community of soul mates who applaud our successes and send hugs when they are so needed. we bloom where we're planted, infusing the world with a bright flash of creative inspiration. our blooms wither and it is then that our true gifts to the world are revealed to be dispersed by the wind. our gifts include knowledge, the voice of experience, and compassion for those who struggle on the paths we've already traveled. as our gifts settle into the world, sometimes close by and other times in far-off places, fresh seedlings appear to stand on their own and bloom. we stand in the background, applauding, supporting and relishing the glow of their existence. and they in turn support us and send hugs when we most need it.

let me be
a dandelion
whose seeds
and light

let me be
a dandelion
whose gifts
and wide

let me be
a dandelion
whose seedlings
and spread

let me be
a dandelion
whose life
a difference
for others

let me be
a dandelion
who continues
to bloom
long after
its prime

let me be
on the wind
a song of hope

photo & words
(c) 2009 julie king


ArtistUnplugged said...

Like your header photo!!!! The dandelion thoughts and poem are great, of course, being tired this morning, all that came to mind for me was someone walking up, picking the dandelion and blowing it all away in a second!!!!!!!! I totally agree with your sentiments, thanks for being able to think them and sharing them today! :)

lissa said...

lovely pic, lovely words, makes me want to be a dandelion

Almost Precious said...

Beautiful words that paint a lovely image. Such an inspiring way to say that in age there is much wisdom to be shared so others may grow and flourish.

Brandi said...

well said. Life really is like a dandelion.

Bee said...

Wonderful, Julie.

A good mantra for summer, with so many visual reminders in the gardens and fields!

Martha Lever said...

Wonderful heartfelt poem---I love it...

Serena Lewis said...

beautiful words, julie ~

Shannon said...

that is such an awesome analogy! and soo true... LOVE your poem too!

Annette said...

so lovely! I love dandelions. I wrote a poem about dandelions when I was young - just a teen I think - I will have to try to remember it.

robin. said...

this is beautiful julie.