Sunday, August 28, 2011

picking and canning and freezing! oh my!

garlicky dill pickles

blue lake green beans

just picked


roma tomato

if you're a constant reader here at julie king art then you've heard me say this before: in life, we are always either giving in or fighting back. there is no middle ground. for too, too long i gave in to the pressures of love, relationships, aging, work stress, caring for ailing parents -- just life in general. one of the things i've learned as i continue to fight back and find myself again is the value of feeling fulfilled and satisfied thru work. i can't seem to get enough of gardening, harvesting, canning, freezing and being one with the great outdoors. it gives me a feeling of wholeness that i've not let myself feel for a long, long time. i'm sure that part of that feeling is due to not working a stressful corporate job. my little retail job at the antique mall is just enough for me right now. i continue to plan and scheme ways to earn an income in an unconventional, bohemian way. many say i'm whack to pursue this; there is pressure to rejoin the leagues of unhappy people toiling to pay uncle sam and be fulfilled thru a big paycheck. thoughts of returning to that lifestyle bring on a mini panic attack. i simply can't see myself doing it. only time will tell if i can continue to support myself in the way i'm choosing. it is a choice that i'm very content with right now.

my dreams these days tend to be about homesteading on a small farm. i'd like a small house on a couple of acres where i could have chickens, goats and a big garden. i see myself driving a small tractor, making goat soap and putting my harvest in a root cellar. i could sell my wares at local farm markets, live in blue jeans and fall asleep each night to the sounds of nature. when i reflect on how i've changed my lifestyle and realized some dreams over the last year, then i know that the homesteading dream can be a reality for me. i'm fighting back, my friends. i'm fighting back!


Lyn said...

I am glad to hear your fighting back Julie!
and when you open the jars of goodies in the dead of winter you will have a little sunshine to eat

Unknown said...

Those green beans look awesome.


Betsy Brock said...

I love canning! There is just something very satisfying seeing all those gorgeous jars put up for the year.

Anonymous said...

Dreams sound good and your canning looks darn good. xox Corrine

Kerri Jean said...

I am a libra, and I tend to think in terms of balance rather than fighting... but however one thinks of it, I get it. I feel the same way. And I hope you continue to fight... and win!!! I have not yet taken the leap into the unknown and scary world of following my desires for all of my art and life, so i applaud you and am totally in you corner!!

supplies overflowing! said...

hang in there Julie if this is what makes you happy. Take your time. I must say, through your words and your photos, you paint an existance that seems like paradise. (And this is coming from a woman who is content in my little corner of the world.)