Monday, January 2, 2012

dad's water spigot

reaching to 
turn on the spigot
an image of my dad
floats to the surface
of my mind
i lay my hand
where his hand
must have laid
a thousand times
i close my eyes
and imagine that
i can feel his energy
pouring into me
as water seeps
into the ground
after a gentle rain
so his quiet guidance
permeated my life
and even though
the spigot of his life
no longer turns
i still see his artistry
in the bricks of this house
i hear his voice
in the swaying trees
and i feel his hands
guiding my novice hands
as i humbly try
to carry on what 
he nobly built
so many years ago


RNSANE said...

Julie, this is just the most beautiful tribute to your father. I loved reading it and I almost feel that I know him.

Christine said...

Happy New Year Julie! What a lovely tribute to your dad.

Anonymous said...

Oh Julie You make me cry.
Beautiful and very moving tribute.
Kind Regards
Agnes :)