Friday, August 22, 2008

the letter "p"

p is for palm -- this is a 9 x 12 commission i just finished last night. it is very similar to one i posted earlier but smaller. for this piece, i had to tear the paper into much smaller pieces than i normally do. it was a fun challenge!!

p is for peg -- this collage has a little dowel rod peg at the back to hold it up!

p is for presley -- today he was wandering around the bedroom and saw his image in our floor length mirror. he was so excited and kept trying to smell the other little guy in the mirror and pawed at its legs. it was so very, very cute!! of course, when i left the room to get the camera he followed me. another missed photo op!

p is for personal perseverance -- i must say that i've been so inspired by the athletes at the olympics. it's hard to imagine the kind of dedication, sweat and tears that goes into not only a 4-year long trek to the olympics but for many of these athletes a lifelong commitment to reach a goal. i'm humbled by them and inspired to persevere in my quest to reach my personal goals!!


Cindy said...

p is for pleased - i'm pleased to hear your good news, see your latest collage and read this post! have a lovely weekend!

Strider said...

Everytime I feel the urge to sustain and obtain to personal goals....I lay down on the couch and power nap until that feeling goes away!!!! :-) and on a more serious note...the picture of the piece you there a "P" in the work? I've searched and not found one. I'm not to artsy, so I may have misunderstood too!!!! Have a good weekend.

julie king said...

thanks, cindy! happy weekend to you as well,

strider, you made me laugh out loud and i loved it! no hidden p in the collage. i was just referring to the p in palm tree.

Betsy Brock said...

Very nice! And your Presley sounds just adorable! :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Nice palm piece, Julie! Good to know Presley is up and about and loving his reflection!

Auburn Kat said...

The Olympics are inspiring!

noodle and lou said...

Lovely Julie!!
Wishing you a happy week:)

S. Collier said...

glad to hear presley is up to the palm too!

Simply Sentimental said...

I love the palm creations..makes me want to escape to a beach with a good smut novel...

Megan Coyle said...

This is beautiful, and extremely well done for something that required the assembly of tiny pieces.

XUE said...

P is for Pretty ! as usual julie, another collage nicely done!