my latest commission is done on a 12" x 18" piece of solid aspen. the picture doesn't do justice to all the textures and layers of this piece. i used lots of crinkled up tissue paper under the body of the crane and for the reeds at the bottom. plus the acrylic paint flowers are built up in layers as well. it was a fun piece and has gotten rave reviews from my client and all my co-workers.
i'm headed to the kitchen to fix a quick bite of supper so we can watch the election results! i was at the polls at 6:10 this morning and finished at 7:55. can anyone beat my hour and 45 mintes spent at the poll? it was well worth it!!!
Julie, this is my favorite piece of your work. I just love it. The person that commissioned it must be so happy with it. No wonder your co-workers loved it. I am curious about your art room. Is it strictly for your art? I can't leave my art out when I'm home in SC. I can here though cause it's just me and no animals. Some time please take a picture of your art room. I am always so curious about artists working spaces. Again, this is a wonderful work!!!
This one's nice, Julie!
Yes, I can beat your time at the polls! WT and I went at 1:30 and there was NO LINE at our polling station!!! We were back home in less than 20 minutes!
Julie, I love your new banner. Beautiful! Birds are so peaceful to me!
Good work. I've seen a few cranes this fall in the marshes. They are "big birds!"
LOVE you new banner photo and oh those vacation photos - such a totally different kind of beach than the one I walk on each day. Beautiful photos. So happy that you had a great vacation. Welcome back. xo S & les Gang ps. Also LOVE the crane piece... very nice.
Oh, it's beautiful, Julie! Love the colors.
I also like your new banner!
Beautiful work Julie! I think this is one of your best work! Really like the composition and the colours. I don't know why, but this painting reminds me of my childhood.... :)
The tones here are amazingly lovely. You've captured it all...depth, hues, dimension....truly a work of art.
it's worth clicking on the photo to see details better - this piece is really stunning and I love the color choices.
Julie, I absolutely love this piece of work. It is quite exceptional.
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