i am very happily participating in the red friday etsy shop update originated by tracy at the vintage sister studio. so far, there are 7 participating shops. each of us will be adding new items to our shop on friday, december 5th, just in time for christmas gift-giving!! see the links to the right and please stop by on friday to check out all our new wares!
I had no idea that you had an etsy shop, but I think it's a wonderful idea! I'm off to explore it.
duh!!! It's right there on your sidebar...where have I been???
Please excuse my idiocy.
no need to apologize or feel silly, stevie! i don't do a very good job of plugging my shop or updating it either. i'm getting a scanner and printer soon so i'll be able to sell prints of my smaller works, etc. i'm excited about it!!
ohh, what a fun.
You're probably busy this time of year with all your art, huh? Have a good season.
good luck with your shop update...i'll make sure to stop by! :)
Selling prints is a great idea. It provides a very affordable option for those who would like to own a piece of art.
Ooohhh ! such lovely new things in your shop - especially love the Poppies. I wonder if Stevie's on to something - have you considered selling prints "and" originals ? Love form all of us here in Nova Scotia. S, Miss D, Nessie, Oliver & L'il Man.
ps how that's Presley guy doin' Winn sends him a big doggie kiss.
susan, i can't wait to get my printer and scanner! how fun it will be to scan small originals, sell prints, make cards and magnets, etc. i have soooo many ideas to keep me busy thru the cold winter months!
presley is hanging in there fairly well. my husband built rampways from the house into the florida room and then from the florida room out to the patio as presley has a lot of trouble stepping or jumping down. the prednisone that he is on has helped to decrease his walking in circles. he has good days and bad days but every day is filled with all our efforts to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible. he says thanks for the hugs and kisses from your little loved ones and sends them right back!
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