there are places i remember . . . and this will be one! or, you could just as easily title this one "what a mess!" this is what my art room looks like after a day of putterin' around. i used to clean and straighten up after each canvas but more and more i find i'm much more creative if i just trash it and let it go until i can't find the tools i need to create any more. for this photo i closed the vertical blinds to keep the sun out but that is definitely not the norm. i love the way the sun streams in and how the angle of the sun changes as the afternoon wears on. it is a big part of my inspiration. here are a few other places i will always remember with fondness:
the creek behind grandpa farmer's house
grandma farmer's feather bed
the woods behind my dad's house where we spent hours and hours playing
myrtle beach -- the first time i ever walked next to the ocean!!!
grand canyon with my kids
camping in algonquin park ontario, canada
the back yard of the house on kinsey
the front porch of the house on elm street
and many, many more!
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