lovely sunday afternoon . . . golden sunshine . . . cool autumn air . . . long bike ride in the park . . . many stops to take glorious photos . . . being one with nature PRICELESS!
the light and colors of the changing leaves are so soft and lovely. such a nice way to spend the day after your traditional coffee on the patio. thank you for your comment today!
Looks like you had a beautiful fall day for a bike ride. I really like your pictures of the leaves with the sunlight peaking through them--they're wonderful.
putterer. dabbler. creative mess maker. jumper from thing to thing and then on to another thing. soul builder. sun spot and shadow watcher. word arranger. happy loner.
the light and colors of the changing leaves are so soft and lovely. such a nice way to spend the day after your traditional coffee on the patio. thank you for your comment today!
Julie, I love your beautiful leaves. Fall is so glorious!
Drop by my blog. I have an award for you. luv ya, Trish
I haven't ridden a bike in 25 years!
Do I see a redbud tree in those pics? Beautiful yellow leaves!
What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing your fall leaves - I don't get that here in the desert!
Your collages are really terrific. I am envious. I have never been particularly skilled with collage. To tell the truth, I am horrible at it!
I want autumn to hurry and arrive here. I'm glad you had such a nice commune with nature.
Truely Priceless!
Isn't autumn sublime?
those colors are gorgeous! what a beautiful autumn~
The 4th picture! MMMM!
I especially like these golden weeds! Gorgeous!! And love your new header, too. :^)
I need to get myself a bike!
Looks like you had a beautiful fall day for a bike ride. I really like your pictures of the leaves with the sunlight peaking through them--they're wonderful.
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