hope peace love
mixed media collage
12 x 9 x 3/4 solid aspen
copyright 2008 julie king
i've been thinking about how our lives are filled with evolving and recurring patterns. there are periods of wonderful goodness and light followed by spells of strife and sadness. if you listen to the news it is easy to believe that we are in one of the latter periods right now. it's easy to be filled with worry and doubts; i know i have been. but, i believe it is the BEST time for us to reflect on how very blessed we are. when we lost electricity here in dayton during the hurricane ike windstorm last month, i certainly counted my blessings for all those things i take so easily for granted -- ice, a strong reading light, the fan that lulls me to sleep every night, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning. i had already dedicated 2008 to an effort to simplify my life. but all of the news, the increased cost of gas and groceries and the lack of electricity for a few days have given me a renewed purpose. i'm again asking myself and my hubby these questions: do we REALLY need that? will that end up in a landfill? wouldn't we be happier and healthier taking a walk or a bike ride? can we not run around all weekend, chasing after things? what can we do to make our parents' lives easier and happier? how are we making the world a better place? maybe by concentrating on the answers to these questions we can find a kinder, gentler way to survive these current troubling times. maybe we can have a renewed sense of hope and offer some peace and love to others.mixed media collage
12 x 9 x 3/4 solid aspen
copyright 2008 julie king
so, if you're feeling a little troubled and down these days, i wish for each of you these three things -- hope, peace, love!
As I Corinthians says; The greatest of these is love. I'm convinced that the outward, physical world that we live in day to day are just opportunities for God to show His glory. Whether things are going well or not, God never changes. Thanks for the post.
truer words were never spoken, strider. thanks for your constant inspiration.
Julie, this is an incredible post. You ask some very important questions here, and some I have asked myself often too. The landfill one for example. The older I get, the more I believe that much of human endeavour is for naught....chasing false gods and false idols. Simplicity is a very good philosophy. I love what you've written here today!
I'm trying to keep the hope, peace, love alive =)
Lovely post, Julie, and good questions to ponder...
This is a very thought provoking post. I, too, have been thinking more of simplification and ways I need to change. I am so thankful for so many blessings. God is so good.
it does seem like a good time for us to take care of ourselves, which is something we can control. thanks for the inspirational post julie!
Beautiful post. I too am trying to simplify, and live with more substance and less 'stuff.' Peace, hope & love!!! (wonderful piece too)
I do think the silver lining of "these troubled times" is that we all will look closer at our lives ... hopefully leave behind, the excess, the waste and the superficial and focus on the simple things that make are lives complete. Here's to much hope, peace & love.
xo S, Miss D and Les Boys
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