yesterday (christmas day!) was a beautiful day here in ohio, cold but sunny with a refreshing crispness in the air. as i so often do on a day with a bit of non-busy down time i grabbed my camera and played around. the above is titled bare trees. i love the tiny bit of rainbow effect as the sun streams through the bare branches. i can almost feel the warmth of the sun cutting through the brisk winter air.

at times life feels all out of focus and that is when i try the most to concentrate on the simple things that truly matter -- my hubbie, my children and grandchildren, my dear parents and extended family. and, of course, our sweet, sweet presley who makes every day special with his presence in our lives. it is during these times of quiet reflection that everything comes into focus and i know i'm on the right course in life. i feel so blessed and grateful!

so come, journey with me, my bloggy friends, into a creative world. leave behind the safety of anonymity, the security of staying in the box. step onto the slippery slope and enjoy the ride with me.

i'm standing tall in my shoes, liking my reflection and spreading my wings to fly!
what a lovely reflective post!
thank you for letting me know that I wasn't the only one afflicted with the holiday-blur syndrome. :)
Very well said.
Love the branch photo.
Happy New Year?
I'm here, Julie, I want to enjoy that ride along with you.
"i'm formulating new goals for 2009, planning to discard the excuses and self-imposed restraints and fly free into the creative life i crave."
-Love it.
love this post and i'm happy to get on the julie king bus tour to a new creative world! the photos are wonderful. enjoy your weekend!
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