i snapped this fun little picture thru the back door this morning. super sneaky mr. squirrel had climbed the tree in the front yard, leaped onto the roof, walked over the roof and down onto the fence in the back yard. i'd love to know what he thought he was going to find back there. we played a little stalemate game of watching each other for a couple of minutes. he stayed put while i grabbed my camera and then after only one shot, he was up onto the roof and gone.
it all made me a bit nostalgic for presley's good old days at our old house when all we had to do was say "squirrel" out loud and presley would tear thru the house and out the doggy door to chase away the squirrels in our yard. of course, he never caught one but he'd still come running back inside wearing a smug look on his face and an air of accomplishment. now i'm not at all sure he'd even be able to see a squirrel in our yard. or maybe he'd be scared and run back inside with a whole other look on his face. hee hee
lazy overcast and cold days like today have me feeling a bit old myself. i'm glad my old friend presley is here by my side!! no better company could be found!!
yes, those squirrels usually are "super sneaky"! we finally stopped buying bird food because the squirrels always seemed to eat it all before the birds could get to it! :)
i love your squirrel photo. the bitter cold had us feeling old today, too ;)!
Our 14 month old grandson like to look out on the deck and watch the squirrels and birds. He gets so excited.
Funny how we can get so much enjoyment from such a simple animal.
Your story of a younger Presley made me smile. I can imagine his smug look. He was doing his job and protecting his home from unfriendly invasion.
We are having the same sort of weather except it is a bit too warm and humid here. This weather makes my bones cricky.
Well, it's back downstairs to work for me. I am working on a scrapbookish book for my DIL for Christmas.
you know, it's rather odd--I never see squirrels here. Must be the coyotes! Poor things.
I love how you caught the squirrel looking at you! And sweet memories of Presley's more spunky years! :)
I love how the squirrel is looking right at you! And sweet memories of Presley's more spunky years! :)
Oh! What a sneak! But look at that face....
Happy holidays to you!~
Cute! My parents just have to say "deer" or "rabbit" and their dog Andy is on the case!
Merry Christmas Julie...I love the art from the previous post !!!! and your little squirrel friend, too, of course !!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
I love squirrels. I know Pono the dog also loves to chase them away. We sure don't see too many of them here in the desert!!!!
Poor Preseley's days of squirrel chasing are probably over. He's retired now.
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