sunny sunday
you and me
to the river
water's edge
crunch of snow
geese in flight
vivid image
slant of sun
day of happiness
we as one
you and me
to the river
water's edge
crunch of snow
geese in flight
vivid image
slant of sun
day of happiness
we as one

julie, you just blow me away! perfect poem, perfect photography. it's...well, it's perfect (can you tell i'm at a loss for words?!)! :)
Wonderful pix, Julie! We're melting, too!
Mmmm looks cold, but inviting too.
Very refreshing.
your river photos melt my's good for me to remember that there are other rivers, other places, that are as special as "mine". i fell in love with geese when my dad, a reformed goose hunter, told me that geese mate for life.
i appreciate your heartfelt comments on my blog, thank you.
WOW.. now that even makes an ole' sun worshiper think that winter looks kinda nice.
Lovely poem AND photos Julie!
Thanks for taking us along:):)
Lovely shots...could it be that spring is actually on it's way???
Such beautiful photos. I love the geese and the poem...I love it all.
Those pictures reminded me of the turkey I saw yesterday on my drive back to Buffalo from my dad's.
Beautiful photos, Julie! And I love the poem.
Beautiful words and sensitive images. Lovely.
What a lovely collection of photographs.
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