it was fun looking for shadows this week. or in some cases, staging a shadow in unusual places! above is my spring stems collection sitting in the sun in my living room. i loved the deep dramatic shadows being cast on the tv cabinet.

my granddaughter, jenna, and my nieces, caysey and kyley, at play on the driveway at my dad's house on saturday. it was a bit brisk but we couldn't resist a walk in the woods and the opportunity to snap a few fun photos!

my co-worker eliizabeth played along on this one by walking thru the breezeway between our two buildings at work while i sat on the floor and shot photos. i kept looking at the beautiful sun squares and envisioning what shadows could be cast. elizabeth made the perfect model; thank you very much!

lunch at first watch seemed like a great time to try to cast my fork's shadow into my soup bowl. funky, eh?!!
that's it for today. click on the shadow shot sunday in my sidebar to go to heyharriet's blog to see all the shots she featured from last sunday -- one of mine is featured!!!
we had jenna overnight and then i cooked a big pan of lasagna for everyone for lunch. i'm quite worn out! off to the reading chair for some relaxing quiet time!
lovely Sunday shadow shots !!
great shots. my favorites are a tie between the spring stems (love how crisp the shadow is), and the bike (cause who doesn't love a good bicycle shadow?).
Errr..can you mail me some lasagne please? I've actually been craving it (really) for some days now1 Hee.
That silhouette shadow looks like something out of some intriguing espionage TV series. Ooooh.
It looks like you're having a lot of fun with this! I love the spring stems, so pretty! Great shadow shots!
all of your shadow shots are fabulous!! can't wait to see what you do next! :)
All VERY nice shadow shots! I especially enjoyed the kids playing, the bike and the FORK... which was VERY interesting indeed! :)
be careful ... and i love your shadwo shots, especially the fork.
You found some lovely shadows. I LOVE the bike shadow especially. ;-)
Glad those ribs are feeling just a bit better....take care of them. My favorite shadow shots are of the bicycle and the fork!
Love the flower shadow in particular. At University I did a whole assignment about shadows. It really makes you look at the world in a different way when you begin to notice little things usually overlooked.
I really liked the bike shadow of all these beautiful shadow shots. It made me think that the bike was longing to get outside into spring sunshine!
Yum--Lasagne--had some tonight. Great shots!!
These are great shadow pictures, These are so neat!! love it.
Lovely shadow shots!
Have a good week.
Oh wow, I really enjoyed looking over your photos. So many creative shots of shadows, who would've thought? I'm really liking the flower shot (the lighting is excellent) and the bike shadow. Lovely!
I have just never paid too much attention to shadows... but boy I'm gonna start looking. How fun.
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