aaaaaaahhhhh! saturday morning and life is full of wonderful, joyful possibility! here are a few things i hope to do this weekend.
1 spend some time tooling around with my camera!!

2 hang these canvasses in my bedroom! i've mounted some of my "reaching for the sky" series photos onto heavy cardboard and then onto painted canvasses. they will hang above our king size bed.

3 these girls need a sweet new companion! hmmmm . . . what will she look like?

4 i bought these kraft photo boxes a while back. they're waiting patiently under my oak art table to be given some personality.

5 our waitress at o'charley's was kind enough to give me a few sheets of this thin paper they put in their roll baskets. i'm not sure where or how i'll collage them but it could be fun!!
what's on YOUR weekend list?
Hi Julie! I was garage saleing (sp?) this morning and found a large book of sheet music from the early 1900's. I bought it for $5. Not sure if that was a bargain or not, lol. Anyway, I thought of your work when I saw it and plan on incorporating it in some of my pieces as well.
Have a great day!
Well it's sunny so its a visit to the local argicultural show today then picnic with friends tomorrow in the park!
Have a good weekend,
can't wait to see the girls' new companion!
I pruned some trees, did some weeding and de-cluttered my daughter's bathroom. Time for a shower, I think.
Have a great rest of the day.
Earlier today I dodged around about 20 yard sales in the neighborhood where I deliver mail. Not easy! So now that I'm home I can relax and think about doing some art. I love that paper you got from O'Charley's! Certainly it will be useful in many ways. Enjoy your weekend.
I think I will go to o'charleys and get some of that great bread basket liner paper!!
I love your photos that you mounted on canvas- that will look great on the wall. And I LOVE that paper from O'Charleys- how fun!
my weekend list is pretty boring....i like yours better! your photo canvases and painted canvases are wonderful!! have fun crossing things off your list this weekend! :)
yes! I made it to Kroger today.. this is a major accomplishment for me. I hate going to the grocery.
the rest of the weekend promises to be fun. Lunch with my dad on Sunday for his birthday. Dinner with our best friend in the evening.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Yummy weekend you've planned.. Wish I was there to play..
Can't wait to see the girls new friend.
oh my those are gorgeous girs..can't wait to see their new chum! Have a fabulous weekend! X:)
Well now that John is winding down to retirement our weekend currently starts on Thursdays :) So we had a day out to the nearby heritage farm with James, then two sunny summer gardening days, daughter, son in law and gorgeous grandson came for the afternoon and today we had planned to go to a community woodland event, but it is tipping down with rain and quite thundery, so we will carry on with some diy shelf building. Hope you managed to carry out all your plans. Looking forward to seeing the new girl. xx
I love the pics that you mounted!!
mmmm today..... i will paint some more and then go to the art store so i can get my art supply fix!!
Looks like some great projects you have going there! I've done absolutely nothing this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it! ha-ha! I can't wait for school to start so I can dig into my long list of fun projects!
Hey, your weekend sounds fun. Love the art you've prepared to hang. I vote for the new friend to be a redhead (not that you asked). I've been busy getting things ready for my daughter's return to school in the morning, yuck! I'm not ready for the hectic schedule but they refuse to extend the summer for me!!!!! Hope you are well.
Those canvases are BRILIANT! What a FAB idea!
My husband printed some of his favorite pictures I have taken...
and I just don't know what to do with them!
I don't wan2 just frame them..
cuz that just sounds boring..
maybe I'll do something a bit like what you've done here..
if you don't mind????
Hope you got everything accomplished this weekend - looks like a fun list of "to do's!"
Love the paper from O'Charlies by the way!!
I love creative weekends! Looks like you're having fun.
Sounds like a perfect day. Your canvasses are fabulous. I love that method of mounting. Has the wheels turning already!!! I hope the day was as wonderful as you anticipated!!!!
my weekend list involves not going online, which is why i'm so late to comment. hope you had a great one!
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