Thursday, June 11, 2009

rain washes

rain washes
my soul
my senses
my love
my life
rain washes


ArtistUnplugged said...

Very, very nice. Love the photos and your words....

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Great pics!
I feel that way about the sun :)

m said...

Love the flowers shot in particular.As i write this is it bucketing down like billio presently. I so love the rain,even thunder is ok with me.

Shannon said...

FANTASTIC poem to go with such BEAUTIFULLY taken and processed pics!

steviewren said...

It also makes the grass grow. I need a yard man.

Nice reflection shot of the tree on the wet pavement.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

It has been raining here (nebraska) too... I so *love* the rain!!

ArtPropelled said...

Aah yes...I can smell that rain.

Mechelle said...

Thanks for the great title suggestions Julie. I really like your pictures.

Donna said...

Beautiful! Your photos are fantastic.

Auburn Kat said...

I loved this, thanks for sharing...

m said...

Julie--I jsut read your lovely comment you left me the other day. Wow. Really touches me. Thank you very much. Encouraging, no end.

O H I K A said...

Thank you Julie!

Funny I was thinking of you today and for some reason I wanted to talk you but then I was afraid to be all wishy washy. There are times when I need and want a good friend to talk to. I miss that so very much. I shouldn't feel alone. it's just the urgentcy of wanting something so bad making me feel like I'm damaged goods for going through this problem and the possibility of not delivering something so great. but I should know better not to get anxious or impatient. I just feel I'm running out of time being that I'm 37yrs old. Sometimes I get too vulnerable, too worried. I have the answers but I can't help myself sometimes. To be part of something grand. Thank you Julie for such kind words. I'll chin up and smile!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

We won't see rain for quite some time...well placed words and I too can smell the rain...thank you

Heather said...

I love a good rain too...especially when you're cuddled up and warm while its raining outside :)

Martha Lever said...

Wonderful pictures and words...

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Love the toes!

Anonymous said...

i just came across your blog...what a delight. i look to checking-in often.

m said...

And where is your inch by inch for this week dear Julie? Hmmmm? :)