Sunday, June 21, 2009

shadow shots with new nikon d-60

i finally broke down and bought a nikon d-60 which i've been drooling over for some time. i love it! tons of things to learn and explore but so far i'm finding it a breeze to use. all this week's shadow shots were taken with the nikon. for more amazing shadow shots from around the world, check out hey harriet's blog.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Most interesting shadow shapes! Especially love the unusual shadow shapes in the last photo! Have fun with your new camera!

Cindy said...

oh wow, i love your shadow shots, especially the last one. they're so creative. have fun with your new camera!

Kristy Worden said...

Your up and at it early - we got a new Nikon too, but the L100 - the 'easy' one! Love your shadow shots... especially the one with the dog on the leash.

Hey Harriet said...

Ooooh I love your new toy! And doesn't it play nicely! The mix of bright colours and shadows is great. A very fun collection of photos! :)

Debbie / Prairie Emporium said...

Julie, great photos!! Looks like you are having fun with the new camera. I like you new reflections of me photo.

Tracy said...

i love your photos! your attention to detail as well as light and shadow is amazing! i love it!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

bucket of pencils
colored hues of the rainbow
casting dark shadows

Kelly Warren said...

great shots! i've had a d40 for about a year and a half and am still learning all the bells and whistles! :-)

PrairiePeasant said...

Great shots! I especially like the road trip image! Enjoy your new camera.

Flor Larios Art said...

Cool and interesting photos..have fun with your new toy!

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Great photos Julie! I wish I had your skills:)

lori vliegen said...

ooooh, i love these shots taken with your new toy!! i've put in a request for a nikon for my birthday....but after moving into a brand new house, i feel a little guilty asking for something so pricey. now that i think of it, i asked for the camera BEFORE we moved into the house, so there should be something in the "birthday rules of gift etiquette" that negates my request as being over-the-top, don't you think?! hee hee

Brandi said...

Oh. Oh! I love the one with the bike on the map. Very cool! You do such good work. Love it!

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous shadow shots! So happy you got the new camera! I have a new one, too, and it's such fun -- still have a lot to learn though! Love the bottle shot!

Enjoy and have fun!

Unknown said...

Great shots! And YAAY! A new camera!!! I'm just a weeeee bit envious, though...I've been drooling over that one myself!

Faded Plains said...

I'm lovin' your shadow shots...very cool!

That is the chicken said...

Interesting and thoughtful shadow shots. I love the jar of beans. Is that one straight from the camera? It's a great effect.

Serena Lewis said...

Congratulations on your new camera.....great shots! :)

SouthLakesMom said...

Fascinating images. Forgive this novice question -- how do you get the photos to show texture? Especially the little jar lid -- it looks like there's a 'grain' to the photo. Cool beans!

julie king said...

thanks for all your wonderful comments, my friends!! just to clarify i did do a bit of photoshop editing on two of these photos. i added a bit of hue saturation on the colored pencils shot. you can see the effects by looking closely at the shadow. i also photoshop edited the clear glass jar with lid. it is a substantial-sized glass jar with river rocks in it, photographed on our dreiveway. i was disappointed in the image when i downloaded it to my mac, so i drug it into photoshop and altered the curves and added a bit of texture. you can see the effects mostly in the shadow. thanks for all your interest!!!

srp said...

These are all great shots! I do love the dog shadow... its the soft place in my heart for animals... wonderful!

Christine said...

don't know if it's my imagination, but this shadow shots seem even better than your previous ones, so clear and well defined.

Shannon said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new camera!!! Isn't it fab to get such a fun toy! I LOVE my new camera!

Lavinia said...

Your new camera is a whiz. Look at the clarity on that bottle rim.

Thank you so much for your sweet comments on Bebber's birthday post!

I need a camera with a fabbo macro feature...

I can see you are having a lot of fun with your new camera. Enjoy!

O H I K A said...

love love stopping by!! you are a great photographer i tell you and a wonderful poet, you move me!

Kerri Jean said...

Love the last shot of woman and her best friend best. Great pics. Great camera. Now Im drooling

Donna said...

Fabulous photos! I love your creativity!

m said...

Can't wait to see what you else you do with it. Enjoy.