Thursday, April 21, 2011


for a helping hand
up to lofty heights
into the void
out of my comfort zone

the rainbow's edge
my heart's desire
a soulful solace
home sweet home

to find myself
lose myself
reclaim time
replace lost love


i often wonder how we know when we've arrived. do dreams ever end? are we ever done growing, learning, reaching? will there be a time when i'm old, old, old that i'm past dreaming and wanting more? i'm not talking about material things. i'm talking about sunsets, and sweet kisses from grandsons and walks in the rain. i'm talking about that first summer strawberry, the warm purr of my cat, a laugh with my mom. i feel i'm always reaching for more -- more life, more living, more doing, more being, more loving, more blessed exhilaration in the face of nature and all god's beauty. 

please don't let me ever lose this thirst for life. make me humble in the face of god, grateful for every blessing, accepting of love and giving of myself. this is my morning prayer.


Susan said...

A beautiful post that shoots a perfect arrow directly into my heart.

So thankful along with you. Dream on + on +on + on + on ... endlessly.

xoxo Susan & les Gang

ps Did ya get my little package ?? hope so

Anonymous said...

Love you post. I hope there is no end to dreaming. I am counting on it. xox Corrine

Christine said...

don't see how you could ever change, Julie.

RNSANE said...

Your prayer is contagious, Julie, and I hope you don't mind if I offer it to God, as well. It is so beautiful!