one of the promises i made to myself when i started blogging was that i keep things on the upbeat. i've always been a glass-more-than-half-full kind of girl and that was the attitude i wanted to spread in my blog. as my grandfather used to say, "if you don't have something nice to say, just don't say anything." so what a treat it was when i had an e-mail this morning from brenda saying she had given me the "lemonade award", an award based on displaying great attitude or gratitude. what a treat to have my efforts at spreading a bit of sunshine and cheer validated. thanks, brenda, you made my day! brenda is new to blogging and she is off to a fantastic start. please stop over and say hello!
so on to the nuts and bolts of this award:
• i'm including the lemonade award logo in this post and also in my sidebar
• the rules call for nominating 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude. more on that below
• when i list my nominees, i'll link to their blogs so you can go check them out and get a nice dose of mega "tude"
• i'll meander over to each of my nominee's blogs to personally hand over the award (via a comment, of course)
• i'm linking to brenda's blog (in 3 places!) as a special thanks to her for thinking of me!
if you're an ongoing reader of my blog you'll know that i am a bit of a rebel and enjoy breaking the rules a bit. so, i'm choosing to nominate only three:
susan at 29 black street is a very special read for me. her daily monologue is touching, endearing, funny and always one i can totally relate to. she's been on a soul-searching journey over the last year or so and her willingness to share her personal travels with us makes her a winner in both the attitude and gratitude areas.
donna at donna's art shares her love of the simple life -- her pets, her family, her art and her love of beautiful things in her blog. a visit there delights the senses and makes me smile.
farmerjulie's blog is chock-full of delightful photos, flower arrangements, her pets and most of all her pottery!! upbeat and happy describe julie's blog and i enjoy the feeling that i've returned to my childhood country home when i go there.
take care and enjoy making your own lemonade!
Congrats on your award, Julie, well deserved! And thanks for passing it on to me! I appreciate your sweet comments ~ I'll be posting soon.
Congrats on your award, Julie! I can't think of anyone more deserving.
You da bestestest!
~Hugs, Deb
you are so very deserving of this! i can't think of anyone who makes a better glass of lemonade than you do! congrats, sweet gal! :)
Congrats on the award! I love the new header, by the way. Happy New Year to you!
Congratulations on receiving this award Julie. Your blog is always just as you said...upbeat and uplifting. I really enjoy sashaying over here to see what you are up to.
Thanks for the mention after I awarded you. Glad it made your day.
Hope it brings you even more people to share you art with.
Such a lovely award, 'the lemonade award' - the perfect sentiments, xv.
Thank you so much Julie for this "Lemonade" award and I'm so glad that even through some dark & very sad days that you perceive
me as a glass "more" than half full ...
Much love from Nova Scotia xo, S, Miss D, Bleet, Oliver & Gus with oodles of special
X's & O's for sweet Presley
congatulations on receiving such a sweet award - you deserve it, julie!
Thank you my friend! I am touched!! you made my day! xoxoxo julie
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