oh to be on the beach on this cold winter evening!
they're calling for snow and possibly a winter mix overnight. my thoughts -- yippee!! 2 reasons: 1) i cozy day at home in my art room and maybe a movie 2) we can take a walk and snap some photos.
oh to be in ohio on a snowy saturday morning!
hee hee
photo by julie king (C) 2007
Hi Julie..
Hope you have a good weekend. i feel like doing nothing.!
xo julie
I've been gone for a while. It's fun to peek back in and see all your amazing creativity is still at work!
Same weather here in Michigan. I got groceries today and just will stay shut in. Maybe work in my craft room like you.
Enjoy your snowed in day.
That was a cruel Ohio joke you know!!!! :-) Have a great weekend.
i've got a walk on the beach planned for tomorrow, but there's no way i could ever get gorgeous photos like yours...how do you get the birds to pose like that?
I'll probably stay home also, but of course there will be no snow here in Alabama. The daytime temp has been in the upper 50s and 60s here. I think it might rain again tomorrow...ugh. Too much rain lately...I need bright light!
Have fun arting, movieing and walking.
Lovely photo. Great verse. Enjoy the weekend.
hee hee on the "posing" birds, lori! although how i took that photo is a funny story. i sat on the sand a little ways off from a flock of seabirds and then asked my husband to run at them, yelling and waving his arms. it worked perfectly! we DID get some really weird looks from other beach walkers. oh well!
thanks for all the kind words, everyone!
Sounds good to me!
Beautiful photograph! I wish you had taken one of hubby running at the birds with arms flailing.
I always get so very excited at a snowy forecast!! We are still kids, I guess! Enjoy your cozy night!
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