just a quick note to my bloggy friends. my dad fell on thursday and broke his hip. he had surgery and then spent a couple of days in intensive care due to some heart problems. he is off the icu floor and in a regular room as of today. we're hoping that his physical therapy will progress well over the next few days so he can go home. after several long, long days at the hospital i'm home with a cup of tea and ready to watch you've got mail. i just need a few hours of major down time before i return to work tomorrow.
i've received a few awards and also have some other news to share with you all soon. as for now, tom and meg are calling my name and frankly, i just can't resist!
take care all and enjoy the rest of your sunday!
btw, the butterflies are a bit of free vintage clip art i found at the vintage moth. delightful, don't you think??!!
i'm very sorry to hear about your dad, julie. i'm glad that he's in a regular room, now. physical therapy can be a bit tough, so hang in there with him. he'll get there.
'you've got mail' is a favorite comfort movie for me, too. i think it's so interesting how meg's character owns an independent bookstore, but she seems to buy her coffee from a big chain. i love her apartment!
Julie, Sorry your Dad fell. Hope he's better soon. That's not a fun thing.
The butterflies are so pretty. Love that style.
Take care.
I'm glad to hear that your dad is on the mend. Tom and Meg are just the people to take your mind off a stressful situation. Enjoy and keep us updated as you are able.
Oh..you poor thing. Soo sorry to hear about your dad, but glad to hear that he seems on the mend.
Yes...relax and breathe deeply.
Tea with Tom & Meg would be my way of doing that as well.
julie, i'm so sorry to hear this news about your dad. my husband broke his hip in a biking accident a few years ago and it was a difficult time for him getting back to 100% again. but, thankfully, he did and i'll be praying that your dad has the same good healing! in the meantime, tom and meg are the perfect "therapy" after having been at the hospital for the past several days (that can drag you down real quick!)! :)
So sorry...I bet you are exhausted. Hope the healing and therapy go well!
You and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers tonight, Julie.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope the healing process goes well and things are going well for you!
I hope and pray your dad recovers quickly. Have a good week.
I pray your dad is continuing to do well. I hope you get some rest and enjoyed the movie. Some days we just need to relax.
sorry to hear about your dad. I will say a little prayer for him and you both.
I love "You've Got Mail" too! There is something soothing about that movie.
Sorry to hear about your father! I hope everything is ok with him!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to your father!
My thoughts are with you. Hang in there through the hard days and it makes the other ones feel like a piece if cake.
I hope everything is looking up. I love your butterflies.
You've been tagged. Drop on over.
The butterflys are a perfect choice as a spirit lifter. My best to you and your dad in this tough time. Take care of yourself!
Mary Ann
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