since i spent all day saturday in indiana with my family, sunday was free for bill and i to work around the house and enjoy the great weather. first we went to the englewood dam to check out the high water, the geese and take some photos. the above is a photo of a sycamore which i altered (to say the least) in PS. i rather like it now.

then we went to a series of small fishing ponds so bill could fish and i could sit and read or take photos. a group of people showed up with their water dogs and oh what fun it was to watch them frolic together and swim after the rubber duck.

it was such a serene and beautiful spot!

another shot of a sycamore tree which i altered in ps. i just love the filter that lets me add ink outlines to my photos!

i call this shot springtime looking up! i just love the wisps of leaves ont he tree, the floating clouds and the diffused glow of the sun.

the yellow lab at the back of this pack had never been int he water before. she struggled a bit at first but finally got the hang of it. it was so fun to see how she almost strutted with pride in the water once she mastered the doggy paddle.

this old guy was obviously a regular at the fishing pond. shots of greeting prevailed when he arrived and several fisherman walked around the edge of the pond to say a more personal and close-up hello.

this 4 month old weimerarner was not allowed in the water yet but he was most anxious to at least get his mouth around that prized rubber duck.

it was a delightful day with perfect weather and wonderful new-found friends. i hope we meet up with these water- and fun-loving dogs again one day! as for the ponds, i know we'll be returning soon.
We had two yellow labs that just adored the water.
Your new header is just magical!
Those dogs are adorable!!
I also love your new header too!
the dogs are so cute. you definitely bring your collage-style to your photos when you enrich the colors in ps.
it looks like you had a great sunday....don't you just love days like that?! :)
what a lovely picturebook perfect kind of day! thanks for the pics.
what a lovely picturebook perfect kind of day! thanks for the pics.
Looks like such a beautiful day. The dogs have so much energy, you must enjoy them so much.
Your Photos are fantastic,
this looks like a lot of fun for everyone
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