let me bloom
mixed media collage
8 x 10 x 3/4 solid aspen
(c) 2009 julie king
mixed media collage
8 x 10 x 3/4 solid aspen
(c) 2009 julie king
you may have noticed that i've not posted any new art work lately. i've been thinking about being creative, wallowing in a bit of a creative slump and pretty much just tuckered out. vacation did seem to reenergize my artistic spirit a bit and i spent some time in the art room over the weekend. i had 3 goals on saturday: 1) reuse some old canvasses and boards 2) break out of my comfort zone 3) have fun. the above piece is a discarded collage i didn't like except for the bluish purple background. i collaged over the icky part from before and i like it now. i then took a photo and used photoshop to add the text. it was really fun to make!

this one is a work-in-progress and my first attempt at "painting" a portrait. it is another old canvas that i collaged and painted over, added some rubber stamp images to and then used white gesso to paint the background for the face and neck. then i used my shiva paintsticks (love, love, love these. OMG!!) to paint the face and hair. the paint sticks are oil so it is a slower process than i'm used to while i wait for the first layer to dry but i'm liking the girl very much. more soon on how she progresses.

i'm off for a bike ride and then to pull a few weeds. i'll probably check in on mama robin and mama duck as well.
Oh, I love the let me bloom art...so wonderful.
hi julie!! can i just tell you that i am LOVING your new artwork?!! i love the house (you know i have a soft spot for them!) and the way you collaged the flower shapes...love it!! you chose wonderful, fun colors...love those, too! i know what you mean about being in a creative slump...i seem to go full steam ahead and then one day i realize that i'm completely OUT of steam! it looks like you have some really neat projects in the works...can't wait to see them all finished! :)
p.s. saw your comment on my blog...the cup and saucer came from pier 1 many years ago!
i'm looking forward to seeing where you take the portrait.
Hi Julie! Thanks for coming to visit! I really enjoyed viewing your blog and artwork! "Let me bloom" is lovely and it feels like your creation is dancing. Love it! I tend to repurpose canvases too. It's always so freeing to start over. Have a wonderful day!
Lisa :)
Love the collage, very beautiful! The new pieces are looking great too. I am in a bit of a total slump for now but hopefully that will improve. Good work!
You are indeed Blooming! But your work is always great. I am not working quick enough for my liking so I am in awe of your productivity.
Shiva artsticks. I have seen the ads but have not yet tried them. You really like them? I'll have to check them out.
Thanks for sharing!
Carol B.
I really liked this look into your creative process with the repurposed canvas no less. god luck with it all. I ahve sooo been in a creative slump for some time.
Good to see you are getting in to your groove again! I had to reread the paragraph about the first canvas, as I thought you were going to paint over the house! My thoughts were "no, don't do it, it's great!" then I realized it was the finished project! Phew! Keep on blooming!
Good to see that you got some inspiration from vaca. Your collage and beginnings of a portrait painting are REALLY good. I like them a lot. :)
I love your house piece!!! Can't wait to see the others when they are finished!
I can see your creative juices are flowing! Love the bloom art. Looking forward to seeing the portrait.
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