Thursday, February 18, 2010

live today

will spring ever get here?

will it get here quicker if i whine about it?

what would happen if next year we rigged the groundhog's den so he couldn't ever go back in it?

would he pronounce winter to be banished forever like some beneficent king?

would his queen shower the lands with soft white petals of dogwood?

were winters this long as a kid?

did we say "ah, man, will spring ever get here?"

anyone want to join me in my whine fest?

there's always a silver lining and for me right now it's having time to play in photoshop on the weekends. i created the above piece by combining a photo i took last fall of a zesty orange gerbera daisy with 3 photos from my message in a bottle series (click here to see). thanks to dan at biel photographic for giving me tips on using the blending tool. love it!!

"live today" is available as a print in my etsy shop.

i'm thinking it would be a lot easier to live today if it was spring. do you see a theme here?


Unknown said...

I'll bring some whine to the party...

Great image - really makes me long for spring!

Cindy said...

patience, it will be here before you know it and then we'll be complaining it's too hot! your new print is wonderful!

Kristy Worden said...

Well, I'd invite you to Florida, but it's darn cold here still... yesterday I saw a woman on the sidewalk at the beach... she was wearing A red knit hat, red mittens and a FULL LENGTH down coat with a hood! Of course I didn't have my camera... I'm pretty sure the coat was overkill, or the woman was visiting from a virgin island...

elisa said...

March took forever as a kid in Chicago and it still takes forever for me now. Ugh it's only February!

I love the new print - so beautiful.

RNSANE said...

whine, whine, whine,
makes me feel fine,
gin, gin, gin,
makes me want to sin,
brandy, brandy, brandy,
makes me feel dandy,
whiskey, whiskey, whiskey,
makes me feel frisky,
rum, rum, rum,
keeps me from feeling glum,

Seriously, Julie, I am so glad I'm not living in a land of snow drifts and bitter cold! Your bright orange, cheerful daisy print is the utmost!

julie king said...

i think i'm craving gin today, carmen. hee hee

steviewren said...

I can tell from your art exactly what you're longing for....some warm orange sunshine. Soon...soon.

ArtistUnplugged said...

Beautiful!!! I know many are ready for the warm weather but I don't look forward to the hot, sweaty, humid days we will have, there is only so much I can strip down to.....

Traci said...

Love this photo collage! Good for you finding a silver lining in a dreadful winter.
Stay warm.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

I love the print also. Your previous post made me realize that I have always thought you are one of the most productive individuals I've ever known. I am a procrastinator with a captial P. I think about all of these projects while I'm at work and then when I get home I'm so tired I just do nothing artistic. What is wrong with me? scream

steviewren said...

Hey Julie, would red the table, be like rid the table of dishes and leftovers? Inquiring minds want to know.

Ruth said...

Your image is gorgeous, and hopeful. I miss PhotoShop since my laptop crashed. Hope to have a new one soon. This one's borrowed from the university, and I can't download anything onto it. Bleh.

I must confess I am still as I was as a kid, and I don't get tired of winter. We're getting more snow as I type, and I love it. I know I'm strange. But I am enjoying the longer days. And when spring does come, I'll be very happy.

Staci Danford said...

I'm with you... where is SPRING... if you see it before me please tell it I said to HURRY UP..

Shannon said...

so pretti-ful and I've been asking that SAME question for weeks! :) I just received your package today and you are the SWEETEST lady in the ENTIRE world! I'm sure of it! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE both my purchase and my gift! I know my MIL will think it's great too! Thanks again! :)