i've been thinking about how you know when you're old. is it when your hair turns gray? or when your knees ache from climbing a flight of stairs? do you feel it settling into your soul when you're resistant to change at work? or maybe it's when you start to lose your sense of humor. out for pizza with bill's co-workers tonight (all much younger than us) the conversation turned to bill's feeling a lack of respect from some of the young people he works with. he said one young lady has these words posted on her bulletin board at work: "i see old people". this made me chuckle a bit and i thought i'd truly like to meet her. i have empathy for bill and yes i've experienced a bit of that disrespect out in the world. but honestly i feel very blessed to work with a group of young people who show me a great deal of respect. they seek my opinion and advice. they acknowledge my experience and knowledge. do they treat me like i'm old? yes, sometimes they're a bit quick to take a heavy car seat out of my hands or offer to load a baby gate into my car for a photo shoot. i make the choice to graciously accept their gift of help as a show of respect. i choose not to be offended. i've had a few disconcerting comments like the young lady who said "wow! i can't believe how you and your husband still ride bikes and kayak". of course, this prompted my inner smart aleck to think "good lord, i'm only 56, not 98!!"
for me, life is all about choices. when i choose to think young i feel much younger. when i choose to give into the feeling of being old, then yes, i do feel older. so tonight i continue my quest to think, feel and live as young as i gracefully can. i pledge to be patient with those who don't have my years of experience to guide them. i promise to honor my elders with the respect they are due. may the reflection i project out into the world be one of hope and light, peace and joy. and, may i continue to see that young woman who planned to change the world every time i see my reflection.
what do you see in your reflection?
Very well spoken! How different the world would be if we treated each person we meet with respect no matter what their differences from us (and if we kept a mirror in our pocket!).
Nice post! I can't answer your question since I feel like what a 70 old probably feels like. With all my ailments I actually dread growing old and can't imagine wanting to live into old age. But that's a downer...I think it's more how you act, I think my daughter's friends don't think of me as that old...but I'm shy of 50.
Julie...I often have those "age" thoughts as well.
Hmmm...when I look at my reflection I often see my mom. I'm beginning to look more and more like her through my eyes. Not a bad thing mind you. She was a beautiful woman inside and out.
Then there are many times I see the same young girl I was...or am...inside.
I wonder a lot about why it is I don't feel as old on the inside as I am begining to look on the outside. Wonder if when I get to 90 (hopefully) I still be looking through the same young girls eyes.
you always have a great attitude, and a great perspective on life! and you're spot on...the word is CHOICE. it really is that simple, isn't it! ahhh, i just love coming to visit you!!
p.s. i'll go on a bike ride or hop in the kayak with you any time! :))))
What a wonderfrul post. It is hard getting older and when I see a picture of myself I am usually taken aback because I actually feel much younger than I look. But as for my refection, I hope that it reflects in nine ways--love, joy , peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
I only feel old when I see the Jonas Brothers.
I've been having a bit of a culture shock lately. This is the first time I've really felt older than my younger acquaintances. I can't decide if my thinking has gotten older or if it is because I'm around people that I don't have the same set of internal morals and motives as they do. I've never had a problem relating to younger people before....I don't think it is me, but it has thrown me off kilter. I'll recover, I'm sure. I like interesting people of any age.
Hi Julie
I like your attitude!
Hugs, Rhondi
Thankyou for your visit, it was lovely to see yours. I will visit again soon
Hi Julie-
Most days when I see my reflection, I see my mother! I don't look like her except for the puffiness under my eyes, and I have the DARKEST circles under my eyes as well (though she doesn't have them!)
But then I remind myself of what I said when I turned 50 a few years ago- it's the beginning of the second half of my life, and I am going to enjoy it and reinvent myself! Try new things, explore, learn- read more- do more, and so on. Now if the body can keep up....
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