oscar and felix? the odd couple? yes, that's right. they live right here in our house! but what might surprise you is that hubbie is felix, the clean freak and i am oscar, the slob. ok, let's qualify that a bit. i am not a total slob altho hubbie might have something different to say on the matter. as with most things being a slob is a bit of a choice for me. when we get home from work i make a choice to work in the art room instead of doing the dishes (bill does them instead). being creative feeds my soul and fills my heart with joy. somehow mundane household chores just do not float my boat in the same way.

my art room is the biggest messy area (of course). my art supplies sit out all over the place, waiting for that moment of inspiration to strike.

the only way to find that perfect piece of vintage sheet music for a new piece is to spread it out all over the floor. and who can expect a girl to place every tiny piece of scrap torn paper into the trash can??!! it naturally will be falling onto the floor making a quite lovely mess. presley walks thru it and it sticks to his feet and then yes, we do end up having little bits of paper all over the house. does this bother me? not in the least. i am content as long as i'm able to create. hubbie? not so much!!

i promised the old antique oak dining table currently in my art room to my son. it's too big for the space and although i adore it, it really is time to let it go. but then i ask myself where will i pile all the stuff , all the creative fodder for inspiring great works of art?

so yesterday i cleaned up my art room. i love how it looks all pristine and organized. all the paints and rubber stamps are stored away. all the surfaces are clean and orderly.

Julie, I know just what you mean. My work space is always a mess. You can't work if you are always having to stop and clean. I need all my things spread out so I can find them when I need them. But, it is good to clean every so often. That way you can find things that have been lost for a while!
Enjoy making something beautiful today. And tell Bill thanks for being such a great guy to let you create while he cleans. That is one wonderful man.
I love your art room and understand how you can be so happy in it. Beautiful colour on the walls....happy and cheerful, ready to inspire you to create another work of art!
oh yes, oscar has been here too...oscar with a capital "O"! i love your art room and think it would be so much fun to help you rummage through all of your papers looking for that perfect piece of sheet music!!
Wow - that looks just like my art room! (And sounds just like my Dr. SmartyPants - thank goodness...)
Happy Creating!
You're very brave to take photos of your art room. I identify so much with what you wrote!
i like this post. i can relate to you :-) and i think work space looks great. i wish i had as much space.
Exactly!! I should take a picture of my dining room table right now and post it - it's covered with papers fabric, snacks and snack residue, books, flyers, etc... can't work without making a mess everywhere. Please explain this to my husband. I recently told him we needed to move somewhere with a basement so I would have more space to be messy, with not as much visibility. Probably won't happen in Florida! no basements here...
HAHAHAHA!! Just like me!
Last night I was a bit dismayed about the state of my home- my nightmare is that a surprise guest will walk in and see it this way- but as I admitted to my husband- though I love the satisfaction of a clean home- one in which I can claim to have made surfaces sparkle (I love to see dust-free wood shine)I hate the process in getting there- so it just isn't done often enough. We had someone come in a clean for a while- when I was working part time and chasing kids around, but after she got sick, and I stopped working, we didn't bother to replace her. My husband will lend a hand as well- but...
The Little Room- where I do my art projects? The supplies have their containers and all, but they do tend to "overflow." My husband just shakes his head when he looks in there. I just have to laugh.
Your artroom is wonderful! You are so lucky to have a spot of your own for all your materials.
Love that glorious vintage ephemera!
i think your art rooms looks great! the color green is so alive and i think it's a healthy jumble of supplies at hand. it's great to see where you are at your best creative self. thanks for showing us, julie!
What a fabulous workspace you have! I can feel the positive and creative energy just by looking at the pictures! :-)
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