with all the depressing news in the world these days, it would be quite easy to get down. i admit it, i do let it get to me sometimes. but i am very blessed to have a quirky sense of humor and a funny event or sarcastic comment can keep me smiling for days. here are a few examples. last saturday in a fit of uncharacteristic domesticity, i scrubbed my hardwood floors and put down a thick coat of paste wax. bill used the electric buffer (fantastic invention!) to buff it up to a beautiful shine. the next evening i was puttering around in the art room when i heard presley making this desperate, frantic yelping noise. this was a shock as he is THE quietest dog, hardly ever making a whimper. so, i know you have guessed exactly where this is going. he had fallen on the shiny floor and could not get up. he was flat on his tummy with his legs all splayed out to the four corners of the room, just scrappling away with his feet trying to get some leverage to get up. i'm embarrassed to say that i burst out laughing and then hurried to get him onto safer, carpeted ground. but not before he gave me one of those disparaging that was not funny looks. seriously, presley it was!

the day of baby ben's birth jenna came and spent the night with us. the very first thing she wanted to do was come into the art room to do a messy craft (her words). the first thing we did was a torn paper collage of a cupcake. it was completely orchestrated by me -- i sketched it out on a piece of paper, then gave her a handful of different pinks papers to select from and so on. when we were done i told her that i was going to sit back and watch her make anything she wanted. she could use the paints, the brayers, the chalks, the glitter, the beads, anything. so she started with the paint and brayer. at one point i took the brayer from her and rolled it over an area to get a bit more coverage and without a moment's hesitation she gave me that same disparaging look as presley and said "i thought you were going to just sit there and watch". well, ok, i was put in my place and gladly sat back and let her have her way with the art supplies! above is step # 4 in her process - the black chalk!! whatever floats your boat, jenna!

You're having fun, and it shows! Delightful!
And I would have laughed at the dog, too...I have always had a tendency to laugh first, rescue later...
I'm quite enjoying visiting your blog. It's so refreshing and "real". I can always catch a glimpse of something in my own life in what you write. Thanks Julie!
not only are you having fun, you're so sweet to share it with us!! i always know there will be a great party going on over here! thanks for the smiles, julie! :)
Wow, there's a few things I want to comment on. First: please come do my hardwood floors, I will pay and feed you well! Next: how cute is it that you allowed your granddaughter to work in your studio....loved seeing all the photos of your work stuff! Finally, duh, mom-make that daughter whatever she wants to be!
Great stories Julie! Love little Presley's antics and Jenna's desire to get messy!!
Great stories Julie! Love little Presley's antics and Jenna's desire to get messy!!
poor presley! the photos you've added to your shop are wonderful. the poems make them extra special.
Smiling Hello Julie:)
Oh my gosh!
Your blog speaks itself! What a great inspiration lies here on this little space. Should I leave working, and start working on art;) Very much pleased that you dropped me such a lovely note, so I arrive your home. Most of the time I can't find to discover other treasures.
Great question from ya:
what have I done today to make the world a better place? it all starts with just one word, one smile. Oh YES, big YES, I'm a believer of it, advicer of it, and I'm always a Smiley one -except meetings at work:)
Sending you bright thoughts, sunshiny days, lovely ideas. Kindest.
N in Ist'l
I love your blog more all the time. Your art is so fun. Your daughter and her chin - that was funny.
I need to do that paste wax/buffer thing to my floors, too, Julie. Only I don't have a buffer!
Love the collage work in progress!!! And love that you're doing art with Jenna...& having so much fun! You are such an inspired woman---your blog is such a bright spot!
Still hanging in there waiting for baby...Take care!!
Too bad you didnt have the camera to catch that moment, it sounds so funny!
I want to go play with paints and glue etc now!
To answer your question about that grid of images I made: I did it in photoshop. Cropped and resized images i wanted to use, then dragged them onto a new 'blank canvas' and aligned them all. I think I will do some more of them, I liked the result.
This post just made my morning. Seriously cracked me up. Poor Presley, but the scene must have been hilarious! Love the new family collage and your daughter's comment was priceless. :)
Love that collage with/for your daughter and the one bottom too. Very clever indeed.
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