grandma julie's treasure chest is opening up this tuesday to reveal my first hummel purchase -- "the builder". i fell in love with this hummel the minute i saw it on e-bay as it features a little girl bricklayer complete with her little bucket of hod and her trowel. she's carrying 2 heavy bricks and has already started to lay a brick wall. see how cute she looks all nestled inside the treasure chest next to the tea set my dad bought in japan? click here to read the story of my dad's tour with general mac arthur in post wwii japan and the story of this tea set.

my dad's lifelong trade was a brick mason. his work ethic and a little bit about my love for his work can be read here in a previous blog. when i saw this hummel on ebay and bid on it i was just so thrilled and wanted it so badly. bill saw a second one on ebay and bid on it as well. wouldn't you know it? we won both of them so i have one and i gave the second one to jenna. this was not a big investment at all. i got it for a really good price. i just googled "the builder hummel" and you can buy a brand new one with trademark 8 for $228.00. trademark 8 hummels are in current production, i believe. mine is older and in mint condition and a much better deal than the new one. (patting myself on the back) hee hee

as i said this was my first hummel purchase and i've treated myself to a few more over the last couple of years, always at an excellent price. my favorite hummels other than "the builder" are the ones with little girls with little head scarves on. it makes me feel so nostalgic. did any of you wear head scarves tied under the chin when you were little? my sister and i did and we have such chuuby cheeks in those scarves!
i hope you enjoyed your first peek into grandma julie's treasure chest. check back next tuesday with another treasured item. until then, enjoy some fresh air!
My Grandmother had a collection of Hummels. What a great find! I love it.
She is so sweet. It is so wonderful to have these stories of our families, and a wonderful gift you have to share them!
I have some sweet little note cards with the Hummel girls wearing scarves. I've never used them all because I love the picture too much to give them all away. Isn't that silly of me!
Thanks for sharing G'ma Julie. Love your little treasure.
seeing your Hummel brings back lots of memories of my aunt margie...she loved them and had quite a collection. they were all lovingly displayed on decorative wall shelves in her living room. i don't remember seeing "the builder" on her shelves...she's really cute! :)
p.s. i so enjoyed reading your past post about your dad!
Sounds like the perfect Hummel to have....it's beautiful.
Hummels are adorable! How fun that you found one to commemorate your dad's trade! I have a Goebel nativity set that I just adore.
How interesting.....lovely treasure. It is a great feeling when you get a good deal. Thanks for sharing!
i loved our first tour and the story behind your first hummel. i have a small collection from my brother, which are mostly music and art-related.
I lived in Germany in 1969 and 1970. Why didn't I get Hummels there. Yours is so adorable. Your grands will love the treasure. Too cute.
It is great fun to find a meaningful treasure. I did wear scarves when I was a little girl. I usually wear hats now.
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