my daughter asked me once how many books i've read in my life and i'm stumped to even make a guess. as a child i could easily read a couple dozen library books in a week. for a while in the 90's, i kept journals of my "read books". i would enter the title, author, # of pages and the date i finished the book. one new year's day i announced to my family that i had read 70 some books and over 22,000 pages during the previous year. without a moment's hesitation my sister-in-law holly said i needed to get a life. it got a big laugh but i was sad that she didn't have the same passion and felt like she was the one missing out (sorry, holly!).
this photo is of my book shelf in my art room. there is a constant ebb and flow of books on it as i buy books, borrow books, loan books and get them back again. a few of them never leave the shelf as they are too precious for me to part with for even a little bit. like a long-time love, they are held close to the heart and cherished. i'd be sad and lost without them. so my love affair continues . . . and i refuse to apologize for this treasured guilty pleasure!!
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