these 2 little mallard ducklings were tottling around at the end of our driveway as bill was leaving for work the other morning. it was 6:15 am and still dark. they were all alone and very little. we could hear and see their parents and siblings across the street frantically running around in circles. these 2 must have lagged behind and gotten lost. i snapped a couple of quick photos and then went inside. a bit later they were all gone, i'm assuming off to the pond behind our neighborhood. last year a mother mallard nested in our east flower bed. we've had at least 3 duck couples hanging out in our immediate neighborhood this year but i've not been able to tell where they were nesting. anyway, it is fun to have a bit of nature roosting near our suburban home. glad it was a happy ending for the little ducklings!
wow, me an inspiration? thank you so much, that touched me :)
you can imagine but i can't, lol, not yet :)
Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment, it made me feel better!
Cute ducklings!
I love ducks! In our compund, there's a little pond & that attracts lots of big frogs. Yes, really big ones! I'd prefer ducks!
so sweet, i want ducks too!
Oh how sweet! We have geese fly overhead a lot to visit little ponds and the creek behind our house, but we never see babies! how precious they are!!~
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